Spring 2011 Schedule
February 22, 2011
Naomi Halas,
Rice University
Hosted by
Din-Ping Tsai
Time: 2:20 pm -3:00 pm
Place: Room 104, CCM-New
Phys. building
Plasmonics: Nanoscale Manipulation of Light
Metallic nanoparticles, used since antiquity to impart intense and vibrant color into materials, have more recently become a central tool in the nanoscale manipulation of light. This interest has led to a virtual explosion of new types of metal-based nanoparticles and nanostructures of various shapes and compositions, and has given rise to new strategies to harvest, control, and manipulate light based on these structures and their properties. Light coupled to metallic nanoparticles induces collective oscillations in the conduction electrons of the structure, known as surface plasmons. As one begins to assemble metallic nanoparticles into useful building blocks, the striking parallel between the plasmons of these structures and wave functions of simple quantum systems is universally observed. Simple nanoscale assemblies of metal nanoparticles take the role of plasmonic “artificial molecules”, establishing a guiding principle that allows us to predict and even design their color and properties. Clusters of metallic nanoparticles behave like coupled oscillators or antenna arrays, introducing effects characteristic of systems as diverse as radio frequency transmitters and coupled pendulums into light-manipulating structures. These paradigms give rise to new optical properties not realized in traditional materials and devices, which allow us to manipulate light in entirely new ways. These effects can be harnessed for applications that can benefit society, in applications ranging from biomedicine to energy to environmental remediation.The application of plasmonic nanoparticles to cancer cell ablation and tumor remission is a highly promising new light-based therapy already in clinical trials. New light-induced therapies allow us to address disease at the genome-altering level, and provide a research tool to examine how cells respond to induced changes in their genetic machinery in real time. Applications in areas such as alternative energy and environmental remediation are also being avidly pursued, making this bottom-up optical science one of the key areas for technological advancement in the 21st century.
Brief Bio
Prof. Naomi Halas現任美國萊斯(Rice)大學電資工程系講座教授,美國光學學會(OSA)董事,及國際知名SCI期刊Nano Letters副主編,於2009年獲選為美國歷史最悠久之學院─人文與科學院(AAAS)院士, 亦為美國物理學會(APS)、美國光學學會(OSA)、國際光電工程學會(SPIE)及國際電機電子工程師學會(IEEE)會士,Halas教授為奈米光學領域之國際權威學者,已發表200篇以上論文,獲引用次數高達12000次以上。

Peter Nordlander,
Rice University
Hosted by
Din-Ping Tsai
Time: 3:00 pm -3:40 pm
Place: Room 104, CCM-New
Phys. building
Plasmonic Nanostructures: Artificial Molecules
The recent observation that metallic nanoparticles possess plasmon resonances
that depend sensitively on the shape of the nanostructure has led us to a
fundamentally new understanding of the plasmon resonances supported by
metals of various geometries. This picture- “plasmon hybridization”, reveals
that the collective electronic resonances in metallic nanostructures are
mesoscopic analogs of the wave functions of simple atoms and molecules,
interacting in a manner that is analogous to hybridization in molecular
orbital theory. The new theoretical
insight gained through this approach provides an important conceptual
foundation for the development of new plasmonic structures that can serve as
substrates for surface enhanced spectroscopies and subwavelength plasmonic
waveguiding and other applications. The talk is comprised of general
overview material of relevance for chemical applications interspersed with a
few more specialized “hot topics” such as plasmonic interference and
coherence effects, quantum plasmonics, Plexcitonics, and plasmonic nanowire
devices for control and manipulation of light at the nanoscale.
Brief Bio
Prof. Peter Nordlander現任美國萊斯(Rice)大學物理系教
授,於2008年獲選為美國科學促進學會(AAAS) Fellow,亦
1, 2011
Hsiao-Wen Chen,
University of Chicago
Hosted by
Wei-Hao Wang
Time: 2:20 pm -3:10 pm
Place: Room 104, CCM-New
Phys. building
Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows as Cosmic Probes
Gamma-ray bursts are among the most energetic events in the universe. Many bursts are
followed by extremely luminous optical afterglows that can serve as a sensitive probe of "dark",
intervening baryonic matter in space. I will review recent progress in our understanding
of interstellar medium and intergalactic matter in the distant universe, through
observations of long-duration gamma-ray bursts.
Brief Bio
柏獎研究員(Hubble Fellow)。陳教授為觀
8, 2011
(Joint colloquium and
Kroll Lecture)
Shen, UC Berkeley
Hosted by
Chih-Wei Chang
Time: 2:20 pm -3:10 pm
Place: Room 204, CCM-New
Phys. building
Celebrating 50 Years of Nonlinear Optics
Nonlinear optics was born 50 years ago immediately after laser was invented.
This talk will give a brief survey on the past, present, and future of the field
and discuss how it has impacted many areas of science and technology over the decades.
Brief Bio
15, 2011
Chia-Ling Chien,
Hopkins University
Hosted by
Chih-Wei Chang
Time: 2:20 pm -3:10 pm
Place: Room 104, CCM-New
Phys. building
Nanomagnets: Poles or no Poles
Magnets have been known since antiquity, but the intriguing phenomena in nanomagnets have been
revealed only during the last decade made possible by advanced fabrication, imaging,
measurements, theory, and simulation. Nanomagnets are small magnets with
well-defined shapes in the submicron size range with competing exchange energy
and magnetostatic energy. By tuning the size and shape of the nanomagnets, one
can realize a variety of spin structures, some of which have no macroscopic counterparts.
Nanomagnets containing vortices and antivortices also display fascinating dynamics
under a magnetic field or electric current. Patterned nanomagnets are exploited
in read-heads and MRAM, where the size and shape of the nanomagnets are as important
as the intricate effects that enable the technology.
Brief Bio
March 29, 2011
Paul Ho,
Hosted by
Wei-Hao Wang
Time: 2:20 pm -3:10 pm
Place: Room 104, CCM-New
Phys. building
Origins of Everything:
Precision Astrophysics
With the modern advances in device physics, novel materials,
improved engineering, high speed computing, and space platforms,
astronomy has made enormous progress in the last two decades.
Precision astrophysics in the spatial domain, energy domain, and time
domain, has allowed us to study the "Origins of Everything", from life
to the formation of planets and stars, and from galaxies to the
beginning of the Universe. In Taiwan, in this past decade, we are
engaging these frontiers of research. We have access to the best
instruments in the world, and we are building some of them. It is a
great time to be studying physics. In this talk, we will look at three
important problems: extrasolar systems, black holes, and cosmology.
Brief Bio
April 12, 2011
(Joint colloquium and IEEE Distinguished Lecture)
Axel Hoffmann,
Argonne National Lab
Hosted by
Jen-Hwa Hsu
Time: 2:20 pm -3:10 pm
Place: Room 104, CCM-New
Phys. building
Pure Spin Currents: Discharging Spintronics
As semiconducting electronic devices are miniaturized to ever-smaller
dimensions, power dissipation becomes an ever-increasing problem due to
leakage charge currents. Spintronics may help addressing some of these
issues by utilizing besides the charge degree of freedom also the
electron spin. Conventional spintronics approaches are used for
non-volatile devices, such as magnetic random access memory, where spin
currents are mainly considered as spin-polarized charge currents and as a
result the spin and charge currents are in parallel and directly
coupled. Looking further into the future, the question arises, whether
eliminating charge currents altogether could provide additional benefits
for applications. Towards addressing this question, non-local device
geometries allow for separating spin and charge currents, which in turn
enables the investigation and use of pure spin currents. This approach
opens up new opportunities to study spin-dependent physics and gives
rise to novel approaches for generating and controlling angular momentum
This lecture will discuss different approaches for generating pure spin
currents, such as non-local electrical injection from a ferromagnet,
charge-to-spin current conversion via spin Hall effects, and spin
pumping from ferromagnetic resonance. Furthermore, examples will be
shown for how spin currents can be used for gaining new insights into
spin dependent phenomena. In particular, the temperature dependence of
spin and charge relaxation times allows to identify different spin
relaxation mechanisms. In addition, spin pumping facilitates the
generation of macroscopically large pure spin currents. This permits to
quantify spin Hall effects with great precision, even in materials where
these effects are relatively weak. Finally, the lecture will conclude
with a brief outlook on the current scientific and future technological
opportunities for pure spin currents.
Brief Bio
Dr. Hoffmann's research interests encompass a wide variety of magnetism
related subjects, including basic properties of magnetic
heterostructures, spin-transport in novel geometries, and biomedical
applications of magnetism. He has more than 100 publications, four book
chapters, and three magnetism-related U.S. patents. He is an associate
editor for the Journal of Applied Physics, a senior IEEE member and a
member of the Advisory Committee for the IEEE Magnetics Society.
April 26, 2011
Peter So,
Hosted by
Chen-Yuan Dong
Time: 2:20 pm -3:10 pm
Place: Room 104, CCM-New
Phys. building
Probing Cellular and Tissue Biochemistry Based on Fluorescence Spectroscopy & Imaging
Fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetime microscopy (FLIM/PLIM) are a
powerful techniques to quantify cellular biomedical environment such as
the concentration of metabolites. The combination of FLIM with
fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), a technique described as a
“molecular ruler”, further allows in vivo study of protein
interactions. We will demonstrate that the FLIM-FRET approach allows us
to start deciphering the protein interaction network governing
important physiological processes such as mechanotransduction. While 3D
resolved FLIM and PLIM are information rich, they are slow imaging
techniques. We will present temporal focusing nonlinear microscopy as a
solution that can improves FLIM-FRET data acquisition speed by several
orders of magnitude. We will demonstrate high throughput FLIM imaging
in resolving physiological structures in peripheral nerve regeneration
devices and PLIM imaging in quantifying tissue oxygen partial pressure.
Brief Bio
麻省理工學院的蘇子正教授 (Professor Peter T. C. So) 是國際級生物物理大師。在普林斯頓大學物理系Sol Gruner
and Erramilli Shyamsunder教授們指導下取得博士學位後,蘇教授繼續在伊利諾大學香檳分校 Enrico
May 3, 2011
(Joint colloquium and IEEE Distinguished Lecture)
Oliver Gutfleisch,
IFW Dresden
Hosted by
Jen-Hwa Hsu
Time: 2:20 pm -3:10 pm
Place: Room 104, CCM-New
Phys. building
Magnetic Materials in Sustainable Energy
A new energy paradigm, consisting of greater reliance on renewable
energy sources and increased concern for energy efficiency in the total
energy lifecycle, has accelerated research in energy-related
technologies. Due to their ubiquity, magnetic materials play an
important role in improving the efficiency and performance of devices in
electric power generation, conversion and transportation. Magnetic
materials are essential components of energy applications (i.e. motors,
generators, transformers, actuators, etc.) and improvements in magnetic
materials will have significant impact in this area, on par with many
“hot” energy materials efforts (e.g. hydrogen storage, batteries,
thermoelectrics, etc.).
The lecture focuses on the state-of-the-art hard and soft magnets and
magnetocaloric materials with an emphasis on their optimization for
energy applications. Specifically, the impact of hard magnets on
electric motor and transportation technologies, of soft magnetic
materials on electricity generation and conversion technologies, and of
magnetocaloric materials for refrigeration technologies, will be
The synthesis, characterization, and property evaluation of the
materials, with an emphasis on structure-property relationships, will be
examined in the context of their respective markets as well as their
potential impact on energy efficiency.
Finally, considering future bottle-necks in raw materials and in the
supply chain, options for recycling of rare-earth metals will be
Brief Bio
1991 Master in Material Science, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
1995 PhD, School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, UK
1995-1998 Post-doctoral fellow, University of Birmingham, UK
1998- Research fellow at IFW Dresden, Germany
2001- Group leader „Functional Magnetic Materials and Hydrides“
2007 2008 Habilitation, Technical University of Dresden, „Functional
Materials” Associate professor TU Dresden„Materialsfor Energy
2010- 2011 Visiting professor Imperial College London, UK Visiting Advisor NIMS Tsukuba, Japan
180 publications in refereed journals
Fields of interest: high performance permanent magnets for E-mobility
and energy applications, magnetocaloric materials and magnetic cooling,
ferromagnetic shape memory alloys,solid state hydrogen storage
May 10, 2011
Mei-Yin Chou,
IAMS and Georgia Tech
Hosted by
Chih-Wei Chang
Time: 2:20 pm -3:10 pm
Place: Room 104, CCM-New
Phys. building
Physics of Few-Layer Graphene
Graphene, a single atomic layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb
lattice, is a unique two-dimensional system with a vanishing effective
mass for both the electrons and holes near the Fermi level. Many
interesting physical properties of graphene have been identified and
investigated within the framework of massless relativistic fermions.
When one stacks the graphene layers on top of each other, modification
of the physical properties may occur in an unexpected way. In this
talk, I will discuss our computational efforts that investigate the
special electronic properties of few-layer graphene, such as the
fractal features in the Landau levels of twisted bilayer and the
surface states in ABC-stacked few-layer graphene.
Brief Bio
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship 與David and Lucile Packard
May 24, 2011
Jen-Chieh Peng,
UIUC and Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
Hosted by
Jiunn-Wei Chen
Time: 2:20 pm -3:10 pm
Place: Room 104, CCM-New
Phys. building
Search for Neutron Electric Dipole Moment
The existence of neutron electric dipole moments (EDM) is a signature
of time-reversal violation, which implies CP violation under the
assumption of CPT invariance. Although CP-violation was first observed
over 40 years ago, its physics origins remain unclear. While the
Standard model can describe CP-violation observed in the kaon and
B-meson systems, it can not account for the matter-antimatter asymmetry
in the universe. An observation of non-zero neutron EDM would provide a
first direct evidence for CP violation in the baryon sector. A new
proposal to measure the neutron EDM using Ultra-cold neutrons (UCN)
produced in superfluid helium is discussed. The current status of this
proposed experiment and the results from some initial feasibility
studies are presented.
Brief Bio
May 31, 2011
Frank Hsu,
ASIAA and UC San Diego
Hosted by
Wei-Hao Wang
Time: 2:20 pm -3:10 pm
Place: Room 104, CCM-New
Phys. building
Nuclear Energy after Fukushima
After the tragic events in Japan, nuclear power is much in the news,
and re-evaluations are occurring on both sides of the nuclear debate.
Pragmatic scientists and engineers who have studied the problem agree
that of the available energy technologies, only nuclear power has the
potential to alleviate our current overwhelming dependence on fossil
fuels. In Taiwan, the choice is even clearer. As a commentator on
National Public Radio in the United States has put it: if you are
anti-CO2 and anti-nuclear, then you are pro-blackouts. Phrased in terms
of either energy self-sufficiency or an antidote to climate change, the
challenge before us must be how to make nuclear power safer, cheaper,
and more proliferation resistant, with a tenable method for disposing
the radioactive waste. A solution may exist in molten salt reactors that
operate on the thorium cycle, but mobilizing public support for such an
approach must increase the perceived benefits of nuclear power while
reducing its risks.
Brief Bio
June 7, 2011
Hitoshi Murayama,
IPMU and UC Berkeley
Hosted by
Wei-Shu Hou
Time: 2:20 pm -3:10 pm
Place: Room 104, CCM-New
Phys. building
Quantum Universe
What is the Universe made of? How did it come to be? Why do we exist?
This kind of fundamental questions about the Universe used to be just
philosophy, but are now coming into the realm of quantitative science.
The key is in quantum physics of elementary particles that determined
the evolution of the Universe when it was very young. I will discuss
this amazing connection between the large (the Universe) and the tiny
(elementary particles), in the context of current and forthcoming
Brief Bio
村山斉教授 (Professor Hitoshi Murayama) 現任UC Berkeley
物理系的教授,同時也是東京大學的數物連攜宇宙研究機構 (Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of
the Universe) 的主任。曾獲Nishinomiya Yukawa Commemoration Prize in
Theoretical Physics、美國物理協會 (APS) fellow、普林斯頓高等研究院 (Institute for
Advanced Study, Princeton)
June 14, 2011
Gerard Milburn,
University of Queensland
Hosted by
Hsi-Sheng Goan
Time: 2:20 pm -3:10 pm
Place: Room 104, CCM-New
Phys. building
Engineered Quantum Systems
Driven by advances in technology and experimental capability, it is now
possible to engineer complex, multi-component systems that merge the
once distinct fields of quantum optics and condensed matter physics.
These systems find applications in quantum metrology, quantum
information and provide a path to explore the shady world at the
quantum-classical boundary. Two key experimental platforms for
engineered quantum systems are superconducting quantum circuits and
nanomechanical systems. I will review recent developments in each of
these platforms and describe new schemes for quantum metrology, quantum
sensing and quantum simulations.
Brief Bio
Gerard Milburn obtained a PhD in theoretical Physics from the
University of Waikato in 1982 for work on squeezed states of light and
quantum nondemolition measurements. He is currently an Australian
Research Council Federation Fellow at the University of Queensland and
Director of the new Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in
Engineered Quantum Systems. Gerard Milburn is a Fellow of the Australian
Academy of Science and The American Physical Society.
He has worked in the fields of quantum optics, quantum measurement and
stochastic processes, atom optics, quantum chaos, mesoscopic
electronics, quantum information and quantum computation, and most
recently in quantum nanomechanics and superconducting circuit QED. He
has published five books. Together with Dan Walls he published one of
the first texts on Quantum Optics (Springer 1994), recently updated with
a new edition (Springer, 2008), and two non technical books on quantum
technology and quantum computing (Schroedinger's Machines, Allen and
Unwin, 1996; The Feynman Processor, Allen and Unwin 1998). The book on
quantum measurement and control with Howard Wiseman has just been
published (Cambridge University Press, 2010).