








 English Version








































陳永芳 教授

一、  學術界服務

1.          物理會刊編輯:1987-1988

2.          物理會刊副總編輯:1988-1989

3.          物理會刊總編輯:1989-1990

4.          物理學會常務理事:1991-1996

5.          物理學會理事長:1997

6.          物理學刊編輯:1993-迄今

7.          物理學刊副總編輯:1996-1997

8.          物理學刊總編輯:1998-1999

9.          科學月刊編輯:1991-1994

10.      國科會自然處物理組計劃審議人:1994-1995

11.      國科會諮議委員:1996-1998

12.      台北縣、巿中小學科展評審:1995-迄今

13.      物理奧林匹亞選訓委員:1998-迄今

14.      國中理化教科書編輯委員:1998-迄今

15.      北巿中小學科展總獎評:20002005

16.      物理學名詞審查副主任委員:2000-迄今

17.      舉辦學術研討會:1996-迄今

18.      受邀擔任國內外學術會議演講:1984--迄今

19.      受邀擔任國內外學術期刊評審:1984-迄今 (Physical Review LettersPhysical ReviewJournal of Chemistry and PhysicsIEEE Electronic Devices LettersSolid State Communications, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Electrochemical Society, Journal of Crystal Growthetc.)

20.      受邀擔任國際會議咨詢委員

21.      教育部學審會委員 (2003-迄今)

22.      台大學術獎自然組召集人 (2004-迄今)

23.      教育通識研習營 授課教師 (2006)

24.      國家型奈米計劃籌備委員 (2006)

25.      國科會高瞻計劃委員 (2006)

26.      國科會奈米科技教育委員 (2008)

二、  研究興趣

1.            設計、研製與探測新穎半導體材料與元件

2.            探索新穎材料與元件之新奇特性與原理機制

3.            新奇特性之元件設計與應用

4.            低溫高磁場下之特殊性質

5.            奈米複合物設計,研製與探測

6.            低維度半導體材料與元件之物理特性

7.            新穎量測技術之開發與改進

三、  學術成就:

1.            First observation of photon-momentum and magnetic-field reversal on the spin resonance
in InSb. (1983)

2.            Development of the theory of interference of electric-dipole and magnetic-dipole interactions in zinc-blende structure. (1984)

3.            Demonstration and elimination of light-induced effect in a-Si:H. (1988)

4.            Development of the theory of magnetoelectric effect due to spin resonance in Zinc-blende semiconductors. (1989)

5.            Development and first demonstration of hydrogen passivation in semiconductors by photochemical vapor deposition system. (1990)

6.            First demonstration of the effects of hydrogen passivation in CdZnTe and HgCdTe. (1991)

7.            Discovery and development of the theory of the connection between the Meyer-Neldel rule and stretched-exponential relaxation. (1991)

8.            First demonstration of the pumping power dependence of Fermi enhancement of the luminescence spectra in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells. (1992)

9.            Invention and first demonstration of photothermal luminescence spectroscopy in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells. (1993)

10.        First observation of the quantum confinement of acoustic phonon in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells by photothermal luminescence spectroscopy. (1993)

11.        First demonstration of quantum confinement effects in strained SiGe/Si quantum wells at room temperature. (1993)

12.        First compete Raman-scattering measurement and analysis of the whole range of InGaAs alloys. (1994)

13.        First observation and analysis of persistence photoconductivity in SiGe/Si quantum
wells. (1995)

14.        Application of optically detected cyclotron resonance to InAlAs/InGaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors. Demonstration of the enhancement of the electron effective mass
in HBT. (1995)

15.        Demonstration of the deposition of highly crystalline quality ZnSe films by pulsed laser deposition. (1995)

16.        First complete study of the dependence of electron effective mass on alloy composition of InGaAs, InAlGaAs, and InAlGaP alloys. Establishment of the importance of alloy disorder on the enhancement of effective mass. (1995)

17.        First observation of double cyclotron resonance in InAlAs/InGaAs heterostructure by optical detection. (1996)

18.        Discovery of the anomalous temperature dependence in C60 single crystal. (1996)

19.        Demonstration of the effects of band offset and nonparabolicity on the effective mass in AlInAs/InGaAs heterostructures. (1997)

20.        First demonstration of persistent photoconductivity in n-type GaN. (1997)

21.        First fabrication of ZnSe quantum dots under Volmer-Weber mode by
MOCVD. (1997)

22.        Development of the origin of yellow luminescence in GaN. (1997)

23.        First demonstration of above-barrier confinements in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells by photoconductivity measurements. (1997)

24.        Growth of the largest SCN single crystal which is a new wide band gap material. (1997)

25.        First observation of persistent photoluminescence in porous silicon which provides an evidence for surface emission. (1998)

26.        First demonstration of Coulomb staircases in As dots in low-temperature grown
GaAs. (1998)

27.        Demonstration of the effect of hydrogen passivation in InGaP/AsAs
heterostructures. (1999)

28.        Demonstration of the phase transition at temperature higher than 400C in C60 films. (1999)

29.        First study of positive and negative persistent photoconductivity in InGaAs/InAlAs quantum wells. (1999)

30.        First demonstration of strong and stable visible luminescence from Au-passivated porous silicon. (1999)

31.        Discovery of optical quenching phenomenum in GaN films. (2000)

32.        Demonstration of field emission behavior of SiCN nanorods. (2000)

33.        Establishment of luminescence mechanism in InGaN/GaN quantum wells. (2000)

34.        Establishment of photoluminescence mechanism in InAsN/InGaAs quantum wells. (2000)

35.        Discovery of the nature of the 2.8eV photoluminescence band in GaN (2000)

36.        First observation of persistent photoconductivity in InGaN/GaN quantum wells. (2001)

37.        First demonstration of dielectric studies can serve as a very useful measurements for dilute magnetic semiconductors. (2001)

38.        First observation of zone-folding of optical phonon in GaN/AlGaN quantum wells. (2001)

39.        First observation of above barrier confinement in semiconductor heterostructures at room tempermtum. (2001)

40.        Establishment of magnetic field dependence of electron effective mass in GaN/AlGaN heterojunction. (2001)

41.        Establishment of the nitrogen-induced enhancement of effective mass in InAsN (2002).

42.        Establishment of mechanism of enhanced luminescence in InAlGaN alloys (2002).

43.        Discovery of nondegrading photoluminescence in porous silicon by deuterium plasma treatment (2002).

44.        Establishment of the determination of degree of ordering in semiconductors by Raman scattering (2002).

45.        Discovery of giant polarized optical properties in type II GaAs/GaAs Sb multiple quantum wells (2002).

46.        Establishment of microwave modulated SdH oscillations (2003).

47.        Discovery of persistent photoconductivity in InAlGaN film (2003).

48.        Discovery of photo elastic effects in InGaN/GaN quantum wells (2003).

49.        First investigation of anharmonicity in ZnBeSe films by Raman scattering (2003).

50.        Discovery of band-gap dependence of field emission from one-dimensional nanostructures grown on p or n-type substrates (2003).

51.        First synthesis of core-shell GaN and GaP nanowires (2003).

52.        Discovery of novel optical properties of type II quantum wells (2004).

53.        Determine the precise effective mass of InN epifilms (2004).

54.        Develop a simple and low cost method to fabricate periodic semiconductor arrays (2004).

55.        Develop a simple thermally-stimulated current method to study electronic states in quantum dots (2004).

56.        Discovery of direct evidence of nanocluster luminescence in InGaN (2005).

57.        Design and fabricate photonic srystals to enhance optical properties of CdSe pillars (2005).

58.        Discovery of the excellent field emission properties of RuO2 nanorods (2005).

59.        Discovery of zero-field spin-splitting in nitride heterostructures (2005).

60.        Develop a new technique called light induced electrostatic force microscope, which is very useful for the study of local defects (2006).

61.        Discovery of giant enhancement of luminescence induced by second-harmonic surface plasmon resonance (2006).

62.        Discovery of enhancement of band gap emission stimulated by defect loss (2006).

63.        Develop electrically controlled surface plasmon resonance (2006).

64.        Discovery of photoelastic effects in semiconductor nanostructures (2007).

65.        Develop liquid crystal devices with built-in semiconductor nanowires for smart emission devices (2007).

66.        Discovery of current and strain-induced spin generation in nitride semiconductors (2007).

67.        Develop flexible energy transfer devices based on semiconductor quantum dots and PDMS films (2008).


四、  榮譽

1.            優良學生獎(每班前三名):清華大學 1974

2.            國科會傑出研究獎:1990-19911992-19941996-1997

3.            中山學術獎:1994

4.            中華文化復興優秀論文獎:1994

5.            物理學會最佳論文獎:1994

6.            受邀提名諾貝爾獎:1998

7.            美商科林優秀論文獎:1998

8.            國科會特約研究員:1998-20012001-2004

9.            獲選為The Barons 500Leader for the new century

10.        物理學會最佳壁報獎:200020012002

11.        受邀撰寫nanotechnology encyclopedia:2000

12.        受邀擔任Journal of Chemistry and Physics of Solidsguest editor: 2000-2001

13.        論文被選錄在重要半導體書籍由知名出版社出版,如Academic press

14.        發表之論文被選錄在科普雜誌上 (Compound Semiconductors, Mar. 2001)

15.        教育部國家講座:2001

16.        侯金堆傑出榮譽獎:2001

17.        中國物理學會會士(Fellow of Chinese Physical Society)2002

18.        Fellow of the World Innovation Foundation2002

19.        受邀擔任國內外學術會議演講:1984-迄今

20.        受邀擔任國際會議咨詢委員:20032004

21.        受邀 (Nanotechnology) 撰寫回顧性論文:2005

22.        教學優良教師:2000()2002()2004()

23.        通識教育續優計劃:2006

24.        台大終生特聘教授,講座教授:2006,2007

五、  參與學會

1.      中華民國物理學會:永久會員

2.      中華民國材料學會:永久會員

3.      美國物理學會:永久會員

六、  在台大所開授課程

1.普通物理  2.量子物理  3.奈米科學與技術導論  4.固態物理導論  5.半導體物理 
專題研究  7.碩士專題  8.博士專題            9.物理與人類文明

七、  指導畢業之研究生

碩士生:103  博士生:21

八、              專利

1.      Crystalline SiCN with a direct optical band gap of 3.8eV, U.S. Patent 53935705, Aug. 10,1999

2.      A New Wide-band gap semiconductor: SCN, ROC Patent 541499, Aug. 21, 2001