胡 崇 德
教 授
1985年 羅格斯大學物理博士
電話:(02) 3366-5182
2.雙交換作用、錳氧化物、巨大磁阻 (CMR)

Selected Publications

(1)Beyond the random phase approximation in nonlocal density functional theory, C.D. Hu, and David Langreth, Physical Review B33, 943-959 (1986).

(2)Subharmonic Structures of single-electron tunneling, C.D. Hu, The Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 64, 1651-1657 (1994).

(3)Subharmonic Structures of Josephson tunneling, C.D. Hu, Physical Review B54(1996).

(4)Electromagnetic response of the gauge field model, David M. T. Kuo and C.D. Hu, Physical Review, B54(1996).

(5)The Magnetization and Curie Temperature of the Double Exchange Interaction Systems, C.D. Hu, The Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (2000), 69, 3704.

(6) The electron paramagnetic resonance linewidth of double exchange interaction systems, C. D. Hu, J. Phys. C: condensed matter 16, 6293 (2004).
